home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /*
- HTTrack Website Copier, Offline Browser for Windows and Unix
- Copyright (C) Xavier Roche and other contributors
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Important notes:
- - We hereby ask people using this source NOT to use it in purpose of grabbing
- emails addresses, or collecting any other private information on persons.
- This would disgrace our work, and spoil the many hours we spent on it.
- Please visit our Website: http://www.httrack.com
- */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* File: httrack.c subroutines: */
- /* various tools (filename analyzing ..) */
- /* Author: Xavier Roche */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- #include "htstools.h"
- /* specific definitions */
- #include "htsbase.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- /* END specific definitions */
- // forme ‡ partir d'un lien et du contexte (origin_fil et origin_adr d'o˘ il est tirÈ) adr et fil
- // [adr et fil sont des buffers de 1ko]
- // 0 : ok
- // -1 : erreur
- // -2 : protocole non supportÈ (ftp)
- int ident_url_relatif(char *lien,char* origin_adr,char* origin_fil,char* adr,char* fil) {
- int ok=0;
- int scheme=0;
- adr[0]='\0'; fil[0]='\0'; //effacer buffers
- // lien non vide!
- if (strnotempty(lien)==0) return -1; // erreur!
- // Scheme?
- {
- char* a=lien;
- while (isalpha((unsigned char)*a))
- a++;
- if (*a == ':')
- scheme=1;
- }
- // filtrer les parazites (mailto & cie)
- // scheme+authority (//)
- if (
- (strfield(lien,"http://")) // scheme+//
- || (strfield(lien,"file://")) // scheme+//
- || (strncmp(lien,"//",2)==0) // // sans scheme (-> default)
- ) {
- if (ident_url_absolute(lien,adr,fil)==-1) {
- ok=-1; // erreur URL
- }
- }
- else if (strfield(lien,"ftp://")) {
- // Note: ftp:foobar.gif is not valid
- if (ftp_available()) { // ftp supportÈ
- if (ident_url_absolute(lien,adr,fil)==-1) {
- ok=-1; // erreur URL
- }
- } else {
- ok=-2; // non supportÈ
- }
- } else if (SSL_is_available && strfield(lien,"https://")) {
- // Note: ftp:foobar.gif is not valid
- if (ident_url_absolute(lien,adr,fil)==-1) {
- ok=-1; // erreur URL
- }
- #endif
- } else if ((scheme) && (
- (!strfield(lien,"http:"))
- && (!strfield(lien,"https:"))
- && (!strfield(lien,"ftp:"))
- )) {
- ok=-1; // unknown scheme
- } else { // c'est un lien relatif
- char* a;
- // On forme l'URL complËte ‡ partie de l'url actuelle
- // et du chemin actuel si besoin est.
- // copier adresse
- if (((int) strlen(origin_adr)<HTS_URLMAXSIZE) && ((int) strlen(origin_fil)<HTS_URLMAXSIZE) && ((int) strlen(lien)<HTS_URLMAXSIZE)) {
- /* patch scheme if necessary */
- if (strfield(lien,"http:")) {
- lien+=5;
- strcpybuff(adr, jump_protocol(origin_adr)); // mÍme adresse ; protocole vide (http)
- } else if (strfield(lien,"https:")) {
- lien+=6;
- strcpybuff(adr, "https://"); // mÍme adresse forcÈe en https
- strcatbuff(adr, jump_protocol(origin_adr));
- } else if (strfield(lien,"ftp:")) {
- lien+=4;
- strcpybuff(adr, "ftp://"); // mÍme adresse forcÈe en ftp
- strcatbuff(adr, jump_protocol(origin_adr));
- } else {
- strcpybuff(adr,origin_adr); // mÍme adresse ; et mÍme Èventuel protocole
- }
- if (*lien!='/') { // sinon c'est un lien absolu
- a=strchr(origin_fil,'?');
- if (!a) a=origin_fil+strlen(origin_fil);
- if (*lien != '?') /* filename exists */
- while((*a!='/') && ( a > origin_fil) ) a--;
- if (*a=='/' || *lien == '?') { // ok on a un '/'
- if ( (((int) (a - origin_fil))+1+strlen(lien)) < HTS_URLMAXSIZE) {
- // copier chemin
- strncpy(fil,origin_fil,((int) (a - origin_fil))+1);
- *(fil + ((int) (a - origin_fil))+1)='\0';
- // copier chemin relatif
- if (((int) strlen(fil)+(int) strlen(lien)) < HTS_URLMAXSIZE) {
- strcatbuff(fil,lien + ((*lien=='/')?1:0) );
- // simplifier url pour les ../
- fil_simplifie(fil);
- } else
- ok=-1; // erreur
- } else { // erreur
- ok=-1; // erreur URL
- }
- } else { // erreur
- ok=-1; // erreur URL
- }
- } else { // chemin absolu
- // copier chemin directement
- strcatbuff(fil,lien);
- } // *lien!='/'
- } else
- ok=-1;
- } // test news: etc.
- // case insensitive pour adresse
- {
- char *a=jump_identification(adr);
- while(*a) {
- if ((*a>='A') && (*a<='Z'))
- *a+='a'-'A';
- a++;
- }
- }
- return ok;
- }
- // crÈer dans s, ‡ partir du chemin courant curr_fil, le lien vers link (absolu)
- // un ident_url_relatif a dÈja ÈtÈ fait avant, pour que link ne soit pas un chemin relatif
- int lienrelatif(char* s,char* link,char* curr_fil) {
- char _curr[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
- char newcurr_fil[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2],newlink[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
- char* curr;
- //int n=0;
- char* a;
- int slash=0;
- //
- newcurr_fil[0]='\0'; newlink[0]='\0';
- //
- // patch: Èliminer les ? (paramËtres) sinon bug
- if ( (a=strchr(curr_fil,'?')) ) {
- strncatbuff(newcurr_fil,curr_fil,(int) (a - curr_fil));
- curr_fil = newcurr_fil;
- }
- if ( (a=strchr(link,'?')) ) {
- strncatbuff(newlink,link,(int) (a - link));
- link = newlink;
- }
- // recopier uniquement le chemin courant
- curr=_curr;
- strcpybuff(curr,curr_fil);
- if ((a=strchr(curr,'?'))==NULL) // couper au ? (params)
- a=curr+strlen(curr)-1; // pas de params: aller ‡ la fin
- while((*a!='/') && ( a> curr)) a--; // chercher dernier / du chemin courant
- if (*a=='/') *(a+1)='\0'; // couper dernier /
- // "effacer" s
- s[0]='\0';
- // sauter ce qui est commun aux 2 chemins
- {
- char *l,*c;
- if (*link=='/') link++; // sauter slash
- if (*curr=='/') curr++;
- l=link;
- c=curr;
- // couper ce qui est commun
- while ((*link==*curr) && (*link!=0)) {link++; curr++; }
- #else
- while ((streql(*link,*curr)) && (*link!=0)) {link++; curr++; }
- #endif
- // mais on veut un rÈpertoirer entier!
- // si on a /toto/.. et /toto2/.. on ne veut pas sauter /toto !
- while(((*link!='/') || (*curr!='/')) && ( link > l)) { link--; curr--; }
- //if (*link=='/') link++;
- //if (*curr=='/') curr++;
- }
- // calculer la profondeur du rÈpertoire courant et remonter
- a=curr;
- if (*a=='/') a++;
- while(*a) if (*(a++)=='/') strcatbuff(s,"../");
- //if (strlen(s)==0) strcatbuff(s,"/");
- if (slash) strcatbuff(s,"/"); // garder absolu!!
- // on est dans le rÈpertoire de dÈpart, copier
- strcatbuff(s,link + ((*link=='/')?1:0) );
- /* Security check */
- if (strlen(s) >= HTS_URLMAXSIZE)
- return -1;
- // on a maintenant une chaine de la forme ../../test/truc.html
- return 0;
- }
- /* Is the link absolute (http://www..) or relative (/bar/foo.html) ? */
- int link_has_authority(char* lien) {
- char* a=lien;
- if (isalpha((unsigned char)*a)) {
- // Skip scheme?
- while (isalpha((unsigned char)*a))
- a++;
- if (*a == ':')
- a++;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- if (strncmp(a,"//",2) == 0)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- int link_has_authorization(char* lien) {
- char* adr = jump_protocol(lien);
- char* firstslash = strchr(adr, '/');
- char* detect = strchr(adr, '@');
- if (firstslash) {
- if (detect) {
- return (detect < firstslash);
- }
- } else {
- return (detect != NULL);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // conversion chemin de fichier/dossier vers 8-3 ou ISO9660
- void long_to_83(int mode,char* n83,char* save) {
- n83[0]='\0';
- while(*save) {
- char fn83[256],fnl[256];
- int i=0;
- fn83[0]=fnl[0]='\0';
- while((save[i]) && (save[i]!='/')) { fnl[i]=save[i]; i++; }
- fnl[i]='\0';
- // conversion
- longfile_to_83(mode,fn83,fnl);
- strcatbuff(n83,fn83);
- save+=i;
- if (*save=='/') { strcatbuff(n83,"/"); save++; }
- }
- }
- // conversion nom de fichier/dossier isolÈ vers 8-3 ou ISO9660
- void longfile_to_83(int mode,char* n83,char* save) {
- int i=0,j=0,max=0;
- char nom[256];
- char ext[256];
- nom[0]=ext[0]='\0';
- switch(mode) {
- case 1:
- max=8;
- break;
- case 2:
- max=30;
- break;
- default:
- max=8;
- break;
- }
- /* No starting . */
- if (save[0] == '.') {
- save[0]='_';
- }
- /* No multiple dots */
- {
- char* last_dot=strrchr(save, '.');
- char* dot;
- while((dot=strchr(save, '.'))) {
- *dot = '_';
- }
- if (last_dot) {
- *last_dot='.';
- }
- }
- /*
- Avoid: (ISO9660, but also suitable for 8-3)
- (Thanks to jonat@cellcast.com for te hint)
- /:;?\#*~
- 0x00-0x1f and 0x80-0xff
- */
- for(i=0 ; i < (int) strlen(save) ; i++) {
- if (
- (strchr("/:;?\\#*~", save[i]))
- ||
- (save[i] < 32)
- ||
- (save[i] >= 127)
- ) {
- save[i]='_';
- }
- }
- i=j=0;
- while((i<max) && (save[j]) && (save[j]!='.')) {
- if (save[j]!=' ') {
- nom[i]=save[j];
- i++;
- }
- j++;
- } // recopier nom
- nom[i]='\0';
- if (save[j]) { // il reste au moins un point
- i=strlen(save)-1;
- while((i>0) && (save[i]!='.') && (save[i]!='/')) i--; // rechercher dernier .
- if (save[i]=='.') { // point!
- int j=0;
- i++;
- while((j<3) && (save[i]) ) { if (save[i]!=' ') { ext[j]=save[i]; j++; } i++; }
- ext[j]='\0';
- }
- }
- // corriger vers 8-3
- n83[0]='\0';
- strncatbuff(n83,nom,8);
- if (strnotempty(ext)) {
- strcatbuff(n83,".");
- strncatbuff(n83,ext,3);
- }
- }
- // Ècrire backblue.gif
- int verif_backblue(char* base) {
- int* done;
- int ret=0;
- NOSTATIC_RESERVE(done, int, 1);
- //
- if (!base) { // init
- *done=0;
- return 0;
- }
- if ( (!*done)
- || (fsize(fconcat(base,"backblue.gif")) != HTS_DATA_BACK_GIF_LEN)) {
- FILE* fp = filecreate(fconcat(base,"backblue.gif"));
- *done=1;
- if (fp) {
- ret=1;
- fclose(fp);
- usercommand(0,NULL,fconcat(base,"backblue.gif"));
- } else
- ret=1;
- //
- fp = filecreate(fconcat(base,"fade.gif"));
- if (fp) {
- ret=1;
- fclose(fp);
- usercommand(0,NULL,fconcat(base,"fade.gif"));
- } else
- ret=1;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- // flag
- int verif_external(int nb,int test) {
- int* status;
- NOSTATIC_RESERVE(status, int, 2);
- if (!test)
- status[nb]=0; // reset
- else if (!status[nb]) {
- status[nb]=1;
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // recherche chaÓne de type truc<espaces>=
- // renvoi dÈcalage ‡ effectuer ou 0 si non trouvÈ
- #define rech_tageq(adr,s) ( \
- ( (*(adr-1)=='<') || (is_space(*(adr-1))) ) ? \
- ( (streql(*adr,*s)) ? \
- (__rech_tageq(adr,s)) \
- : 0 \
- ) \
- : 0\
- )
- */
- /*
- HTS_INLINE int rech_tageq(const char* adr,const char* s) {
- if ( (*(adr-1)=='<') || (is_space(*(adr-1))) ) { // <tag < tag etc
- if (streql(*adr,*s)) { // tester premier octet (optimisation)
- return __rech_tageq(adr,s);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- */
- // DeuxiËme partie
- HTS_INLINE int __rech_tageq(const char* adr,const char* s) {
- int p;
- p=strfield(adr,s);
- if (p) {
- while(is_space(adr[p])) p++;
- if (adr[p]=='=') {
- return p+1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // same, but check begining of adr wirh s (for <object src="bar.mov" .. hotspot123="foo.html">)
- HTS_INLINE int __rech_tageqbegdigits(const char* adr,const char* s) {
- int p;
- p=strfield(adr,s);
- if (p) {
- while(isdigit((unsigned char)adr[p])) p++; // jump digits
- while(is_space(adr[p])) p++;
- if (adr[p]=='=') {
- return p+1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // tag sans =
- HTS_INLINE int rech_sampletag(const char* adr,const char* s) {
- int p;
- if ( (*(adr-1)=='<') || (is_space(*(adr-1))) ) { // <tag < tag etc
- p=strfield(adr,s);
- if (p) {
- if (!isalnum((unsigned char)adr[p])) { // <srcbis n'est pas <src
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // teste si le tag contenu dans from est Ègal ‡ "tag"
- HTS_INLINE int check_tag(char* from,const char* tag) {
- char* a=from+1;
- int i=0;
- char s[256];
- while(is_space(*a)) a++;
- while((isalnum((unsigned char)*a) || (*a=='/')) && (i<250)) { s[i++]=*a; a++; }
- s[i++]='\0';
- return (strfield2(s,tag)); // comparer
- }
- // teste si un fichier dÈpasse le quota
- int istoobig(LLint size,LLint maxhtml,LLint maxnhtml,char* type) {
- int ok=1;
- if (size>0) {
- if (is_hypertext_mime(type)) {
- if (maxhtml>0) {
- if (size>maxhtml)
- ok=0;
- }
- } else {
- if (maxnhtml>0) {
- if (size>maxnhtml)
- ok=0;
- }
- }
- }
- return (!ok);
- }
- HTSEXT_API int hts_buildtopindex(char* path,char* binpath) {
- FILE* fpo;
- int retval=0;
- char rpath[1024*2];
- char *toptemplate_header=NULL,*toptemplate_body=NULL,*toptemplate_footer=NULL;
- // et templates html
- toptemplate_header=readfile_or(fconcat(binpath,"templates/topindex-header.html"),HTS_INDEX_HEADER);
- toptemplate_body=readfile_or(fconcat(binpath,"templates/topindex-body.html"),HTS_INDEX_BODY);
- toptemplate_footer=readfile_or(fconcat(binpath,"templates/topindex-footer.html"),HTS_INDEX_FOOTER);
- if (toptemplate_header && toptemplate_body && toptemplate_footer) {
- strcpybuff(rpath,path);
- if (rpath[0]) {
- if (rpath[strlen(rpath)-1]=='/')
- rpath[strlen(rpath)-1]='\0';
- }
- fpo=fopen(fconcat(rpath,"/index.html"),"wb");
- if (fpo) {
- find_handle h;
- verif_backblue(concat(rpath,"/")); // gÈnÈrer gif
- // Header
- fprintf(fpo,toptemplate_header,
- "<!-- Mirror and index made by HTTrack Website Copier/"HTTRACK_VERSION" "HTTRACK_AFF_AUTHORS" -->"
- );
- /* Find valid project names */
- h = hts_findfirst(rpath);
- if (h) {
- struct topindex_chain * chain=NULL;
- struct topindex_chain * startchain=NULL;
- do {
- if (hts_findisdir(h)) {
- char iname[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
- strcpybuff(iname,rpath);
- strcatbuff(iname,"/");
- strcatbuff(iname,hts_findgetname(h));
- strcatbuff(iname,"/index.html");
- if (fexist(iname)) {
- struct topindex_chain * oldchain=chain;
- chain=calloc(sizeof(struct topindex_chain), 1);
- if (!startchain) {
- startchain=chain;
- }
- if (chain) {
- if (oldchain) {
- oldchain->next=chain;
- }
- chain->next=NULL;
- strcpybuff(chain->name, hts_findgetname(h));
- }
- }
- }
- } while(hts_findnext(h));
- hts_findclose(h);
- /* Build sorted index */
- chain=startchain;
- while(chain) {
- char hname[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
- strcpybuff(hname,chain->name);
- escape_check_url(hname);
- fprintf(fpo,toptemplate_body,
- hname,
- chain->name
- );
- chain=chain->next;
- }
- retval=1;
- }
- // Footer
- fprintf(fpo,toptemplate_footer,
- "<!-- Mirror and index made by HTTrack Website Copier/"HTTRACK_VERSION" "HTTRACK_AFF_AUTHORS" -->"
- );
- fclose(fpo);
- }
- }
- if (toptemplate_header)
- freet(toptemplate_header);
- if (toptemplate_body)
- freet(toptemplate_body);
- if (toptemplate_footer)
- freet(toptemplate_footer);
- return retval;
- }
- // Portable directory find functions
- /*
- // Example:
- find_handle h = hts_findfirst("/tmp");
- if (h) {
- do {
- if (hts_findisfile(h))
- printf("File: %s (%d octets)\n",hts_findgetname(h),hts_findgetsize(h));
- else if (hts_findisdir(h))
- printf("Dir: %s\n",hts_findgetname(h));
- } while(hts_findnext(h));
- hts_findclose(h);
- }
- */
- find_handle hts_findfirst(char* path) {
- if (path) {
- if (strnotempty(path)) {
- find_handle_struct* find = (find_handle_struct*) calloc(1,sizeof(find_handle_struct));
- if (find) {
- memset(find, 0, sizeof(find_handle_struct));
- #if HTS_WIN
- {
- char rpath[1024*2];
- strcpybuff(rpath,path);
- if (rpath[0]) {
- if (rpath[strlen(rpath)-1]!='\\')
- strcatbuff(rpath,"\\");
- }
- strcatbuff(rpath,"*.*");
- find->handle = FindFirstFile(rpath,&find->hdata);
- if (find->handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- return find;
- }
- #else
- strcpybuff(find->path,path);
- {
- if (find->path[0]) {
- if (find->path[strlen(find->path)-1]!='/')
- strcatbuff(find->path,"/");
- }
- }
- find->hdir=opendir(path);
- if (find->hdir != NULL) {
- if (hts_findnext(find) == 1)
- return find;
- }
- #endif
- free((void*)find);
- }
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- int hts_findnext(find_handle find) {
- if (find) {
- #if HTS_WIN
- if ( (FindNextFile(find->handle,&find->hdata)))
- return 1;
- #else
- memset(&(find->filestat), 0, sizeof(find->filestat));
- if ((find->dirp=readdir(find->hdir)))
- if (find->dirp->d_name)
- if (!stat(concat(find->path,find->dirp->d_name),&find->filestat))
- return 1;
- #endif
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int hts_findclose(find_handle find) {
- if (find) {
- #if HTS_WIN
- if (find->handle) {
- FindClose(find->handle);
- find->handle=NULL;
- }
- #else
- if (find->hdir) {
- closedir (find->hdir);
- find->hdir=NULL;
- }
- #endif
- free((void*)find);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- char* hts_findgetname(find_handle find) {
- if (find) {
- #if HTS_WIN
- return find->hdata.cFileName;
- #else
- if (find->dirp)
- return find->dirp->d_name;
- #endif
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- int hts_findgetsize(find_handle find) {
- if (find) {
- #if HTS_WIN
- return find->hdata.nFileSizeLow;
- #else
- return find->filestat.st_size;
- #endif
- }
- return -1;
- }
- int hts_findisdir(find_handle find) {
- if (find) {
- if (!hts_findissystem(find)) {
- #if HTS_WIN
- if (find->hdata.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
- return 1;
- #else
- if (S_ISDIR(find->filestat.st_mode))
- return 1;
- #endif
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int hts_findisfile(find_handle find) {
- if (find) {
- if (!hts_findissystem(find)) {
- #if HTS_WIN
- if (!(find->hdata.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))
- return 1;
- #else
- if (S_ISREG(find->filestat.st_mode))
- return 1;
- #endif
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int hts_findissystem(find_handle find) {
- if (find) {
- #if HTS_WIN
- return 1;
- else if ( (!strcmp(find->hdata.cFileName,"..")) || (!strcmp(find->hdata.cFileName,".")) )
- return 1;
- #else
- if (
- (S_ISCHR(find->filestat.st_mode))
- ||
- (S_ISBLK(find->filestat.st_mode))
- ||
- (S_ISFIFO(find->filestat.st_mode))
- ||
- (S_ISSOCK(find->filestat.st_mode))
- )
- return 1;
- else if ( (!strcmp(find->dirp->d_name,"..")) || (!strcmp(find->dirp->d_name,".")) )
- return 1;
- #endif
- }
- return 0;
- }